50 Year Pins

Submitted by Charles Steck
50 Year Pins
Arthur Lodge # 825, A F & A M, recently presented 50 year pins and certificates during a dinner at Yoder’s Kitchen. Bros. James Jurgens and Ward McDonald were present to receive their pins; Bros. James Winningham and Calvin Coombes were unable to attend the presentation. Pins and certficates will be sent to Bros. Donald Knobloch who lives in Ohio, and Bro. Harold J. Curry in Arizona. Bro. Knobloch will be a 50 yr. member and Bro. Curry will be honored for being a member of the Fraternity for 75 years, which very few attain. Presentations were made by Bro. Barry D. Weer, currently Grand Master of the state of Illinois, and Bro. Noel C. Dicks, past Grand Master. Pictured left to right are: Bro. David Bowers, Worshipful Master of Arthur Lodge #825, Bro. James Jurgens, 50 yr. member, Bro. Barry D. Weer, Grand Master of the state of Illinois, Bro. Ward McDonald, 50 yr. member, and Bro. Noel C. Dicks, Past Grand Master of Illinois.