Aiming High for Food for Golf Day
Fundraiser for the Moultrie County Food Pantry April 24
April 8, 2015
by Ariana Cherry
Arthur/Sullivan Reporter
Golfers at the Sullivan Country Club won’t be “puttering around” when it comes to donating food for the Moultrie County Food Pantry later this month. In fact, they will be having their own kind of drive–one that will be aiming for more than just a hole-in-one or under-par as the community will have a chance to enjoy a few rounds of golf while helping donate to a good cause.
“This has been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time,” said the Sullivan Country Club golf pro Andy Wagner. “I know from personal experiences that there are a lot of unexpected things in life and things get tough so I thought what a great opportunity to help the food pantry so they can help others who are in need. Our community really stands together and helps when called upon. Both the Country Club and I feel this is a way for us to contribute.”
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