ALAH Schools Turn to the Internet for Curriculum
•April 13, 2016•
By Ariana Cherry
For the News Progress
The way students learn keeps changing through the years-especially as technology advances and other opportunities become available.
While staff and administrators have felt the effects from the financial distress, they have learned how to be more creative when it comes to learning and how to take advantage of resources that are already out there.
The teachers of Arthur-Lovington/Atwood-Hammond School district looked to the internet for new learning materials that meet the new Common Core standards. Atwood-Hammond first grade teacher Vanessa Davis was part of the literacy committee that helped the district find curriculum so all of the schools could align curricula when the consolidation took place.
“When we began our search, there weren’t a lot of reliable and affordable resources out there,” Davis began. “With declining funding from the state, teachers were left to sort of “figure it out” on their own, and that meant finding or creating our own materials.”
A website that ALAH elementary and junior high teachers are taking advantage of is EngageNY offers kindergarten through grade 12 curriculum in English language, arts and mathematics. All of the learning materials on the website are free to use; although some of the teachers have purchased other accessories and books to enhance the lessons.
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