Remember When? 8-31-2016
Compiled by Bekki Ferguson-Stevens
25 Years Ago This Week
Amy Bricker, 10, daughter of G.L. and Angie Bricker of Findlay, sang the first two opening numbers in a recital held recently at Millikin University.
Cassandra Jackson of Lovington received an award of excellence for her computer project in 4-H judging at the Illinois State Fair. Her computer project was one of approximately 25 computer projects entered by 4-H’ers from 11 counties. She is a member of the Okaw Challengers 4-H Club in Moultrie County.
Betty Roby has more time to tend to her flowers and yard now that she has retired from the Bethany school district as junior-senior high secretary to the principal. Roby joined the district in 1968 and retired last month after 23 years of service.
Gene Bryant of Sullivan was recently honored during the Crow’s Hybrid Corn Co.’s annual sales meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio for achieving sales goals in his region. He is region manager in region IV. Crow’s Hybrid has 87 sales districts and seven sales regions.
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