Busy Summer for WHS FFA

Photo furnished
Windsor FFA. Front row left to right: Gillian Sanders, Beau Bennett, Tristan Boehm; back row left to right: Travis Fox, Ben Beck, Gage Sattler.
•September 14, 2016•
By Tristan Boehm
FFA Reporter
Windsor High School Ag teacher Emily Perry and the FFA officer team spent time this summer learning how to work together in a challenge room at the Champaign-Urbana Adventures in Time and Space.
During the Windsor Harvest Picnic, members hosted the Saturday morning breakfast, worked the pedal tractor pull, participated in the parade and sold squares for Bessie Bingo. Winners of Bessie Bingo were Bob Peadro and Brent Curry.
Currently FFA members are preparing for the Moultrie County Soils Judging competition to be held September 21.