Remember When? 4-12-2017
25 Years Ago This Week
Bethany village board looked into hiring two full time policemen rather than one full time and two part time officers. Larry Hutchcraft is the full time officer with the village board offering a full time position to part-time officer Gary Carroll.
Lovington village board voted to increase treasurer Alma Fair’s salary and approved a 27 page police manual prepared by trustee Mike Daily.
Joe and Joan Pound visited Adelaide, Austrailia where aborigines burned out gum tree trunks for shelter.
Louise Kirby of the Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society presented a slide show and displayed gifts from her two month stay in Osaka, Japan.
One hundred children and parents gathered at the Elizabeth Titus Library to participate in the Night of 1000 Stars Great American Read Aloud. Guest readers included Cindy Welty, Melissa Dolan, Michael Williamson and Lisa Muirheid.
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