Letters to the Editor 6-24-2020
The Great Daylight Comet Answers Photo Mystery
Thank you for publishing the 1910 comet photograph in the May 20 issue. The publication of a photograph of such a notable event, from a time when photography was still relatively new, was not only fascinating, but also it launched me and my family into some illuminating historical research that makes a great story.
My family loves both history and outer space, so I was excited to show the photograph to my husband and our children over breakfast one morning. I asked them to guess what it was. Their first guess was the sun, since the object was so bright. After a few farther-fetched ideas were suggested, my son finally guessed that it was a comet and, from there, the famous Halley’s Comet. I read the tag line to let them know that it was, indeed, a photograph of Halley’s Comet from May 19, 1910.
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