Reminiscing, Showcasing Antique Tractor Equipment at Inaugural Plow Day
September 3, 2014
Dozens come to watch old plow technique
by Ariana Cherry
Reporting in Sullivan
Every now and then, some need a reminder of what it used to be like when days moved at a slower pace. Technology often makes one forget the feeling of satisfaction from hard labored work and a job well done. When Steven Buxton created “Plow Day” for farmers and agricultural enthusiasts, he had this in mind.
So on Saturday, August 23, antique tractor operators moldboard plowed 50 acres of wheat stubble that was located at Moultrie County Road, 1350 North. Buxton explained that moldboard plowing was a type of plowing that was used in the mid 80’s. It not only cut furrows, but it also turned the soil. Farmers used this technique until about 1986.
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