Record Crop on the Back Burner as Farmers Wait

Photo by Keith Stewart
Muddy tire tracks from a combine are seen Monday in a field east of Allenville that J.C. Doty began harvesting just prior to the rains that moved into the area later that afternoon.
October 15, 2014
Corn and soy harvests at standstill with recent rains
by Keith Stewart
John Doty and his son J.C. were two of few farmers out in the fields Monday afternoon.
“I’ve ordered three weeks of nice weather, but I’m not in charge of that,” said John. “But I guarantee you, we’ll finish.”
The father/son duo who were harvesting corn just east of Allenville couldn’t beat the rain that eventually moved in later that afternoon. So now they join the rest of their colleagues in checking weather forecasts, waiting, and looking out the window. And what most farmers see out that window are potential record yields barred from being harvested due to the recent wet weather.