Farm Bureau Update: Farm Safety for Kids
November 12, 2014
By Tyler Harvey
Mo-Do Farm Bureau Manager
It seems long ago since the last time I wrote to you by the change in landscape around the area.
In the last month farmers have been tirelessly working in the fields and taking their crops from the field to elevators and storage bins. It is always amazing to see the harvest unwind every year and always a blessing when the rain stays away to let farmers finish the task before them. This has been a good year for crops around the area as many of you could tell if you passed nearby elevators and saw corn placed outside a storage bin. At the same time, I tip my hat to all the workers who logistically were able to make this 2014 crop move. When you think of the process it takes to get the crop from the field, combine, auger cart, truck, elevator, and to other destinations, it takes a committed group of people to make this all possible.