A Century of Fourth of July Celebrations

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Cool rides are in store for Sullivan kids when Conner Family Amusements opens the Fourth of July Celebration from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 3 through Sunday, July 7 (1:00 - 5:00 p.m.).
•June 26, 2019•
A century of Sullivan fireworks is celebrated during the July 3-7 Fourth of July celebration.
American Legion Post 68 continues its 100 year tradition with Central States Fireworks of Athens unloading $17,000 in fireworks into the July 4th sky above Wyman Park in Sullivan on July 4.
That is the finale to a celebration that begins with the arrival of Conner Amusements carnival from Beardstown on July 3.
At high noon July 4th the celebration parade kicks off thanks to coordination by Justin “Bubba” Farris and his crew of Legion, Sons of American Legion and Auxiliary volunteers. Terry Warren will prepare lunch for parade participants (more than 350 were served last year).
At 2 p.m. the watermelon eating contest, sack races and turtle races occur.
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