A Fun Filled Windsor Harvest Picnic

Photo by RR Best
Patti Woods of Shelbyville provided Windsor Picnic crowds with some of Paddi’s Air Filled Fun on Saturday. She shaped balloons into a variety of animals and flowers for an appreciative group.
•August 19, 2015•
By Nick Fiala
Reporting in Windsor
The Saturday afternoon events for this year’s annual Windsor Harvest Picnic kicked off under a blazing summer sun that would make anyone think twice about sitting outside for an hour.
But that didn’t stop shop owners from setting up extra seating outside their Main Street storefronts. By the 2 p.m. parade starting time, sidewalks were lined with kids and adults alike cheering as the fire and police departments, the American Legion, local churches, beauty pageant winners, and more all blared their horns and threw candy to smiling parade goers.
A half hour before the parade even began, a rectangular patch of empty lawn chairs was set up to reserve a good seat for that night’s music entertainment.
By 6:30, there was a solid line of guests that was almost as long as the park itself, each of them standing there just to get a part of the main dinner course. Some of the vendors, serving funnel cakes and corn dogs and ice cream cones, tried to meet demand by serving two lines at a time.
An auction was also going on about that time, selling off two gooseberry pies from the stage..
“Just bid like your husband was bidding on a piece of farm equipment, Ma’am.” That was the advice that the energetic auctioneer gave to one bidder, earning laughs from the crowd.
And it seemed to work. Prices on the pies skyrocketed as dozens of bids came in from everywhere in a crowd . The first pie finally peaked at $150 and the second one got up to $405.
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