A Little Dancing Can Go a Long Way

Photo by Keith Stewart
OVES third graders Abby Luckenbill (left) and Lexie Bartimus (right) enjoy the fruits of their labor during a school dance Friday after they organized a toy and canned food drive at their school last week.
OV third graders create toy/food drive
by Keith Stewart
During this time of year, it’s not uncommon to see or read about a coat, toy, or food drive. But typically, such events are organized by adults, not children, especially not elementary school children.
But for Okaw Valley third graders Abby Luckenbill and Lexie Bartimus, the idea of creating such a drive is one they’ve each harbored since the first grade but did not actually organize until last week, when they managed to rally the entire school to collect both toys and canned goods for local families.
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