A Look Back at Sullivan’s John Eden Who Ran For Governor In 1868
Served Five Terms in Congress
June 10, 2015
By Tom Emery
Contributing Historian
Among the leading figures of Sullivan history is John R. Eden, who unsuccessfully ran for governor of Illinois in 1868. It was just one highlight in a long career in public service that included a total of five terms in the U.S. House.

From “John R. Eden 1826-1909 A Compendium of Materials” by R. Eden Martin.
John Eden
Eden was born in Bath County in east-central Kentucky Feb. 1, 1826 and moved with his family by prairie schooner to Rush County, east of Indianapolis, at age five. Young John worked on the farm and attended his first school in a cabin of round logs. The students sat on benches that had wooden pins for legs. The “desks” were actually puncheon boards mounted on pegs set in holes on the wall.
The window of the building was simply a space left by the removal of one log, stretching nearly the length of the wall. It had no glass, and greased paper was used in cold weather to keep out the elements. John, however, embraced his schooling and at age 18 became a teacher himself, for $20 a month and room and board.
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