A Time to Honor and Remember Those Who Gave All

Photo by Ellen Ferrera
March to Greenhill Cemetery
American Legion Post #68, Honor Guard, Sons of American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary members led the Memorial Day parade from the Sullivan square to Greenhill Cemetery ceremonies on Memorial Day.
•May 30, 2018•
By Ellen Ferrera
for The News Progress
We watched them approach in the distance with flags unfurled taking measured steps as they marched down Water Street towards Greenhill Cemetery.
The American Legion Honor Guard and a Boy Scout troop entered the cemetery to the intermittent command of “hut, hut” and took their positions for the solemn memorial services.
After a prayer, Marine Corps Major Lynn Lowder addressed the crowd of some 100 people. A graduate of Sullivan High School and a frequent speaker there, he noted that both his parents and grandparents are buried in Greenhill.
Major Lowder recalled that his first military ceremony was here, and he knew it was important because of all the flags and the music.
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