ADM/BLDD Grants Support to Okaw Valley High School Ag. Project

Photo by Ellen Ferrera
Okaw Valley Ag instructor Wes Wise and student inoculate calf at Friday open house
Okaw Valley Has A Farm E-I-E-I-O
•August 21, 2019•
By Ellen Ferrera
for The News Progress
The Okaw Valley High School erg program held an open house and media opportunity on August 16 to showcase their new one million dollar ag building and state-of-the-art ag educational program Friday, August 16.
The ag building’s color compliments the school colors. It is located behind the high school and looks somewhat like a fire station until an earthy aroma tells you that farm animals are inside.
Housed within is a large classroom, a lab, four large holding pens and another large work area. Future plans call for the addition of four pens to house more animals.
Ag instructor and farm owner, Wes Wise, welcomed the visitors and outlined the morning’s activities which included a tour of the facilities, animal viewing, equipment demonstrations and animal care.
Wise explained the provenance of the program.
‘We are extremely grateful to ADM Cares and BLDD for the grants to initiate this unique educational opportunity. ADM recognizes the importance of farm crops which fuel their industry, and they invest in their own future by creating programs like these to introduce students to a farming career at the high school level.’
“We have 160 students in the high school and 95 are enrolled in the erg program. Only one of the 95 students comes from a farm family so it has been an eye-opener for many of the students,” he continued. “Many of them are now planning careers in the agri-business field as a direct result of this program.”
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