ALAH District Extends School Day by Half an Hour, Dismissal at 2:00 P.M. to Begin March 1
Board hires Marla Graham as the new Lovington Grade School Principal
by Ariana Cherry
NP Writer
Jacob Bettinger, an Eagle Scout, attended the ALAH District School Board meeting Wednesday, February 17. Last year he had informed the board of his plan to build an enclosed see-through bus stop shelter at Lovington Grade School.
The enclosed bus stop will measure approximately 6 ft. by 12 ft. to accommodate 10-12 students and will be located east of the old Lovington High School parking lot. He wishes to buy the supplies to build the enclosure rather than buy a prebuilt one as that would be more cost effective. Prebuilt structures cost about $6,000 whereas it would be only around $3,000 to build one himself. He hopes to get sponsors, donations and volunteers to help. His reasoning behind choosing this as his project is because he and his parents have noticed several of the high school students waiting to ride the bus from Lovington to Arthur outside in the elements - especially when it is either raining or snowing. Superintendent Shannon Creek is very pleased with Jacob’s idea and mentioned it would be a great idea to document the project as it is built. After the board reads through some of the designs and plans for the project, they are looking forward to signing its approval.
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