ALAH FFA Attends State FFA Horse Judging
The Arthur-Lovington-Atwood-Hammond FFA chapter went to its first career development event of the school year. Darian Hays, Katie Gingerich, Kayley LaGrou, and Isaac Ashenfelter left at 5 a.m. to travel all the way to Black Hawk College in Kewanee to judge eight classes of horses in the State Horse Judging Contest with 214 other students.
The ALAH FFA Chapter was part of the 63 schools that did the non-reasons classes. Other students that were in the reasons classes later gave a presentation about how they judged the horses. The ALAH students judged four riding classes and four halter classes. The halter classes were judged only on their physical appearance and how they trotted. The riding classes involved judging horses on complicated riding patterns.
The Arthur-Lovington-Atwood-Hammond FFA Chapter earned a B rating and a red ribbon, and Hays had the best score of 338.