Bethany Author Publishes First Book

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Bethany resident Denis Durham and his children Evan and Ellie hold copies of his recently published book “Elizabithia, The War Against Musical Tyranny and The Search For Lost Music Trees”.
•July 6, 2022•
by Crystal Reed
NP Writer
Denis Durham of Bethany has published his first book. He stated that the story is an allegory of the family court system in the United States. The book contains musical elements and references to judges and attorneys.
It took Durham two years to write the book which was published in April. The characters in the book represent him and his two children, Ellie and Evan. In the book there is an imaginary land called Elizabithia, and there the characters learn about trees that have different music notes and musical references. He incorporated Okaw Valley schools into the story, and there is also a mention of an ancient library to learn what has happened to the trees.
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