Bethany Post Office Struck by Vehicle

The Bethany Post Office suffered damage two weeks ago after a car struck it, shifting an entire wall.
July 30, 2014
PO Box pickup interrupted as a result
by Derek Pope
Bethany Reporter
After a car crashed into the Bethany Post Office earlier this month, service interruptions are expected.
Due to a July 14 motor vehicle collision with the building, post office box mail pickup has been limited to normal postal business hours for local residents.
Following the wreck, building inspectors deemed the front part of the building, which houses Bethany’s post office boxes, unsafe for use. As a result, area residents that opt to collect their mail in person, rather than have it delivered to their home, must enter through the building’s rear and speak with a postal worker directly to get their mail.
The service restrictions are likely to continue for a long while as well, according to Bethany’s postmaster Shelly Freeman. Currently there is no timeline for repairs to the building, and there has yet to be any estimates as to how much the repairs will cost. According to Freeman, legal red tape is slowing down the repair process considerably.