C.E.F.S. Annual Meeting Honors Accomplishments

Photo by Dave Bowers
Pictured left to right are News Progress publisher Robert R. Best, Tracy Siegman, Sonya Best (seated), Arlene Aschermann and Vickie Bowers. The News Progress was one of the businesses recognized for its community service.
•August 10, 2016•
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation, Board of Directors held their 51st annual board meeting in Effingham August 4 with more than 200 people in attendance. C.E.F.S. showcased their annual accomplishments in helping people and changing lives.
Jean Finley, board chairperson of the C.E.F.S. Board of Directors stated that, “the agency recognized board members for volunteering their time to guide and direct the agency.” Further, Chairperson Finley, stated that, “the agency recognized the 2016 family of distinction, Tammy Merrell of Louisville, who made a tremendous level of personal growth and achievement towards achieving economic security.” Chairperson Finley stated that, “Tammy Merrell’s successful participation in our agency programs exemplified our efforts in helping people and changing lives.”
C.E.F.S. Chief Executive Officer Paul White stated that, “during the 2016 annual board meeting 23 individuals and families were recognized who had overcome personal obstacles in achieving self-sufficiency.” CEO White also stated that, “the agency recognized 11 individuals, organizations, community partners and businesses that provided an outstanding level of community service to our agency during the past year.” White further stated that, “the agency honored 10 outstanding volunteers for providing excellent volunteerism, civic engagement and community service to the agency.”
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