C.E.F.S. Recognizes Personal Achievement of Local Woman

Photo furnished C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation recently awarded the Personal Achievement Award at the recent 51st Annual Board of Directors meeting. Pictured (L-R) Board Chairperson Jean Finley, Samantha Brown and Chief Executive Officer Paul White.
•October 26, 2016•
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation recently showcased their 51st year of accomplishments demonstrating the fact that community action helps people and changes lives. During the 2016 annual meeting, some very special people were recognized that had overcome obstacles in obtaining or maintaining self-sufficiency. According to C.E.F.S. Chief Executive Officer Paul White, “This past year our programs and services truly made a real difference in the lives of residents of the community.”
Looking for assistance Samantha Brown of Sullivan visited her local C.E.F.S. Moultrie County Outreach Office where she utilized the food pantry and received assistance with her utility bills from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. While at the outreach office, Brown discovered the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program and learned the WIOA Program could help her reach her goal of attaining a degree that would help provide her with financial stability.
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