The Okaw Valley Tennis Association was recently named organization of the year by the United States Tennis Association, which also named one of the group’s members Joan Dickens of Sullivan, volunteer of the year. Pictured are OVTA participants and volunteers, including Dickens (back row, second from the right).
December 17, 2014
USTA names organization and volunteer of the year to OVTA, and Dickens
by Joash Tiarks
Bethany Reporter
If local business owner Chris Dobosz had his way every kid 14 and under in Moultrie and surrounding counties would be all smiles and that as a direct result of learning and playing tennis.
And it is this mindset that, at least in part, no doubt made the difference in the Okaw Valley Tennis Association receiving the ‘Organization of the Year’ award from the USTA over all other associations in the Mid-South Illinois District, one of 13 districts spread throughout five midwestern states.
“I just want smiles,” said Dobosz. “As long as they’re smiling, then I think we can progress. As long as they’re having fun, everything else will fall into place.” Read More