Category Archives: News
County Board Hears Results of Audit, Discusses Nuisance Violations
•October 18, 2023•
by Crystal Reed
Moultrie County Board held a regular meeting on Thursday, October 12. Dennis Koch reported the result of the county audit for fiscal year end 2022 to board members. He said in the past the county’s financial statements modified cash basis accounting, a lot of federal agencies now require accrual basis accounting.
Koch noted there are a lot of expenditures that are reimbursed after they expend the money and many cases when money comes in the next fiscal year. They record them from as receivable from the various agencies which owe the county money. An adjustment is required to begin net assets of $ 934,755 having to do with ARPA money which did not get used until this year. Read More
Sullivan Ace Hardware Remodeling Store, Adds New Department
•October 18, 2023•
by Crystal Reed
The Sullivan Ace Hardware store may look a little different the next time you step inside. According to Kurt VanDeursen, co-owner of the Sullivan store, they started the remodel in June and expect it to take until January to get things exactly right. So far they have put in all new LED lighting, painted, put in new flooring and added a new department called the Backyard and Barbecue department. Read More
Sullivan Homecoming Celebrated 2023
Sullivan Homecoming Celebrated
Sullivan celebrated their Homecoming last week with activities including dress up days, a dance, football game and a parade. The parade route was lined with observers including children waiting to rush out and grab candy thrown by people on the floats, golf carts and cars that proceeded down the route. More information on the Homecoming game can be found in this week’s issue.
Windsor Homecoming Parade 2023
photos by Crystal Reed
Windsor Homecoming Parade
Windsor High School held their Homecoming Parade on Wednesday, September 27 at 6 pm. This year’s Homecoming theme was Candyland. The parade featured Homecoming Queen and King Candidates, Homecoming attendants, sports teams, district staff and teachers. The Homecoming Dance was held on Saturday, September 30 and Ainslie Eident was crowned Homecoming Queen and Brody Hendrickson was crowned Homecoming King.
Burgers and Brats Fundraiser
City Council Approve Ordinance Regarding Public Parks in the City
•October 11, 2023•
by Crystal Reed
The Sullivan City Council approved an ordinance regarding prohibiting uses of public parks in the city during their regular meeting on Monday. At a previous meeting in September, Mayor Mike Mossman noted there had been people trying to live in the park. He said in the past that had happened, but this year it has happened twice. If shelter space is available and a person refuses to go, they will be cited. The ordinance was tabled at the September 25 meeting due to corrections needing to be made but was brought back at Monday’s meeting where it was approved.
Resident Nancy Barker addressed the board saying she would like to thank Commissioner Doug Shook for what his department is doing to resolve some of the flooding issues in the area where she lives. She also said she appreciates everyone trying to get the brush fire extinguished. Read More
Bethany High School Alumni Banquet Held
•October 4, 2023•
by Crystal Reed
Bethany High School Alumni gathered on Saturday, September 30, for the 92nd Alumni Banquet at Okaw Valley High School. Six classes were recognized, classes of 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993 and 1998. Prior to the dinner there was a social hour in the gymnasium and interested alumni could also take a tour of the high school.
Dinner music was provided by David Hagerman, class of 1984. Terry Muzzy, class of 1966 addressed the alumni in regard to the military recognition and encouraged those who know of alumni who have served to submit photos and information so they can be on the wall in the high school. There was also a roll call of classes where alumni introduced themselves and the year they graduated. Read More
Sullivan Jazzercise has New Owners and New Location
•October 4, 2023•
by Crystal Reed
On Saturday, September 30, Sullivan Jazzercise participants celebrated the new ownership of the franchise and a new location in Sullivan. After class finished that morning participants, the new owners and others walked to the new location holding a Jazzercise banner which the new owners hung on the wall at the new location when they arrived there. The new owners are Jena Atchison and CJ Yoder, they purchased it from Jenny Moore. Read More
ALAH School District Technology Department Presents Three-year Plan to Help Stretch “Technology Dollars”
•October 4, 2023•
by Ariana R. Cherry
Grants have been an important way of acquiring specific technology items needed in the Arthur #305 School District. Technology Director Amanda Romine provided a three-year Technology Plan for the district. In 2027, there are many Chromebooks that will need to be replaced with their “end of life dates” (Chromebooks have specified dates where the system will no longer make security or other necessary app updates) approaching. Since that time isn’t too far away, the technology department has a plan to help stretch their dollars.
With Google extending the “end of life dates,” on some of the current devices, they will be able to last longer. Some of those dates have been extended through 2029. Each Chromebook also carries Accidental Insurance (in case they are dropped, etc). If each one is taken care of adequately, the Chromebooks should last up to nine years.
The ESEF Grant helped purchase 140 Chromebooks, and last year, all new Promethean Boards were purchased for all the buildings using ESSOR Funds. Also, this school year, every desktop computer was able to be replaced in the district. Desktop computers can last five to seven years at a time. Read More