Charity Donors Enjoy Plane Rides

Photo furnished. Pictured are Carol Elder, Simon Parri and John Durbin.
•June 20, 2018•
By Ellen Ferrera
for The News Progress
Some 42 people donated $25 or more for a free plane ride as part of the recent charity cookout for Pastor Brandon Zoll. John Durbin’s Super Hawk 180 is the plane.
John Durbin, a flying enthusiast since the mid-70s, supplied the plane and fuel for the outings on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, June 5 and 6. The flights were about 20 minutes and gave the flyers breathtaking views of Sullivan, Bethany and Lake Shelbyville. In response to the thanks for his charity, John simply said, “It was the right thing to do.”
Besides his recreational flying John works with young people in the Young Eagles program which has taught some 1500 kids about aviation safety and provided the first airplane ride for many of them.