Daily Successfully Pushes for First 2015 Baby at DMH

Pictured is the Daily family with their New Year's newborn Oliver Daily. From left to right, husband Andrew, their daughter Addison, mother Heather with Oliver, and son Colby.
January 7, 2015
Oliver Daily born at 3:34 a.m. Jan. 1
by Ariana Cherry
Sullivan/Arthur reporter
On New Year’s Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, there’s a push to kiss that special someone, make a new year’s resolution, and/or let bygones be bygones. But for Heather Daily of Sullivan- she was pushing against the clock to deliver the first baby of 2015 at Decatur Memorial Hospital, which ultimately, would become the first baby born in Macon County.
“The nurses at DMH were very competitive. They were all rooting for us and wanted to be the first ones. They were like, “let’s go!” said Daily.
While, indeed, the race was on at DMH, Daily never planned on delivering a new year’s baby.
“We were not expecting it at all and attended several occasions throughout the day. Everyone kept telling me, ‘You better get that baby in before the end of the year.’”
And as Daily’s friends and family said those very words, she began to feel her first labor pains at 7:30 p.m. that evening.
“We called the doctor at 9:30 and then again at 10:30. It was after 11 once we got to DMH.
“The whole experience was surreal because we weren’t planning on it and didn’t think it would happen,” added Daily. “They (the nurses) wanted our baby to be the first one.”
After the successful efforts, Daily and her husband Adam welcomed their new baby boy Oliver Lewis Daily, weighing 6 lbs, 11 oz, born at 3:34 am. January 1, 2015.