DMH Honors Founder Sue Hagaman in Bethany

Photo by Mike Brothers
DMH CEO and President Tim Stone places a wreath on Sue Hagaman’s grave.
•June 1, 2016•
Sue Hagaman of Bethany embarked on a 15 year mission in 1901 that developed into Decatur Memorial Hospital of today. On Friday, Mary 27 DMH President and CEO Tim Stone placed a wreath on Mrs. Hagaman’s grave site at Marrowbone Township Cemetery in observation of the hospital’s 100th anniversary.
Julie Moore introduced Stone to the Bethany gathering that included mayor Bill Ashley, Marrowbone township representatives, family, friends former nurses and DMH employees.
Stone told a crowd during the 4:30 p.m. commemoration that Hagaman’s vision of a place where women could safely give birth actually is what gave birth to Decatur’s hospital.
“It started with the dream of a woman who saw a need,” Stone said. “She started having bake sales, which became the seed for capital to build Decatur’s hospital.”
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