Donny’s Dangling Conversation with His Friend Beatty
•February 27 2019•
By Evelyn Burtcheard
NP Guest Columnist
Ever notice how little kids all have imaginary friends or super powerful human ones?
Many years later a member of my married family told me he had a bear for a friend when he was little, and they ate bananas together; however, he was the one who got sick. One thing they all have in common is the friend is always a constant companion.
An extra place must be set at the table, a spot on a chair or a sofa is saved. Danny would put the vegetables he did not like on “Juney’s” plate. I haven’t the foggiest idea where the name Juney came from, but a special friend needs a special name I guess. At any rate when the vegetables didn’t disappear from Juney’s plate, Danny had to eat them. I noticed there was never a problem with pies, cakes or any dessert.
Now with Donny the story was unusual. His friend was a living breathing hero for one summer named Don Beatty. Of course, when you have a “real” friend, you call them by their last name as Donny was so fond of telling me. The best ones have just one name, Superman, Batman and of course Beatty.
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