Dr. Suess on the Loose OVHS HC Week

The Okaw Valley High School 2016 Homecoming Court
Homecoming is Sept. 17 for Okaw Valley High School. Front row (L to R): Brianna Creviston, Kristy Burford, Madison Uhlrich, and Jasmine Baumbarger. Back row (L to R): Evan Blakey, Brendon Lane, Ty Nichols, and Skyler Birch.
•September 7, 2016•
Okaw Valley High School Student Council is announcing the annual Homecoming Week September 12-17. The overall theme to this year’s festivities is “Dr.Seuss”. Each day will highlight a special theme at OVHS, and students are encouraged to participate accordingly.
The week kicks off Monday as “Pass the Yawn Day” in which students will wear pajamas. Monday evening the Okaw Valley Lady Timberwolves volleyball team will host the Hawks from Heritage High School.
Immediately following the matches, there will be a Fall Sports Rally on the OVHS football field that will highlight the Marching Timberwolves along with introducing the fall sports teams. The rally will end with a victory march to the bonfire. All OV and SOV supporters are encouraged to attend this spirited event.
Tuesday students will dress for “Thing One and Thing Two Day”, where they will be encouraged to dress as twins.
Wednesday’s theme is “Maisy Head Daisy Day” with the “Powder Puff” football games beginning at 11:40 am.
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