Easter Hams Donated

Photo by Mike Brothers
Easter Hams Donated
As Easter dinner came around the Moultrie County Food Pantry received 100 hams from Sullivan IGA to give to families for Easter Sunday. The donation was made by one anonymous person whose spirit exemplifies the season. The IGA meat department also made a special delivery April 17 to make sure the hams arrived in time for Sunday dinner. Pictured are front: Emmalee Hortenstine; back from left: IGA Meat Dept. manager Barry Golden, Seth Cobb and Mason Harner. In the United States ham is a traditional Easter food. In the early days, meat was slaughtered in the fall. There was no refrigeration, and the fresh pork that wasn’t consumed during the winter months before Lent was cured for spring. The curing process took a long time, and the first hams were ready around Easter. Thus, ham was a natural choice for the celebratory Easter dinner.