Facts for Families: Ease Your Way Back Into School Routines
•September 1, 2021•
by Cheri Burcham
Family Life Educator
With school fast approaching, I thought this would be a great article to share that was written by Extension Educator Chelsey Byers. Chelsey says: Summertime for kids usually means fewer routines, later nights, and sleeping in more than during the school year. However, there are signs everywhere to show us that school is just around the corner. It is evident by the store ads, the school supplies that are spilling out into the middle aisles of our local stores, and by seeing August on our calendars. With the school year beginning soon, you’ll want to make sure both you and your kids are starting to get back into your school time routines.
A great way to ease back into earlier bedtimes is to gradually make that change instead of just starting the school year with a sudden change. Start by making the bedtime progressively earlier by 15 minutes until you are at the desired bedtime. Earlier bedtimes should bring earlier mornings that hopefully won’t be as rough if beginning the night before school starts. Work towards well-rested kids for the first day of class.
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