Fall Weather Brings Motorists Out During Harvest; Extra Precautions Needed

Photo by Illinois Farm Bureau photographer Catrina Rawson
The fall harvest season is a busy time for Illinois farm families. Drivers should be on the lookout for large farm equipment and other slow-moving vehicles on the road and use caution while navigating around them.
•November 2, 2022•
By Richard Guebert Jr.
Illinois Farm Bureau President
The nip in the air of a cool fall morning and crunch of leaves underfoot are hallmark characteristics of autumn weather in Illinois. For many Illinoisans, these indicators prompt a visit to a local pumpkin patch or apple orchard. For farmers, they mean it’s time to head to the field down the road for harvest, with hopes that other drivers use caution while navigating around large farm equipment.
With so many people traveling on rural roads this season, it takes every motorist acting responsibly to ensure each of us gets home safely at the end of the day.
If you’ve never ridden in the cab of a combine or tractor, you may not know how difficult it can be for farmers to see other vehicles while maneuvering from field to field. Limited visibility means that when other drivers on the road get in a hurry and fail to slow down or choose to quickly pass our equipment, situations can become treacherous and, in some cases, deadly.
So how can drivers stay safe around slow-moving vehicles?
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