A Festive Christmas Celebration at the Senior Center

Photo by Ellen Ferrera
Above are winners of the ugly sweater contest. Pictured left to right are Peggy Booker (most creative), Shirley Devore (most flammable), and Pam Mann (overall ugliest).
•December 28, 2016•
By Ellen Ferrera
for the News Progress
Nearly 50 senior citizens filed into the Senior Center Thursday, Dec. 23 for the 14th annual Christmas party.
First stop was the treat table which was laden with delicious, decorated Christmas cookies, fudge, snack mix, cheese balls and crackers, fruit tray and other temptations. No sugar plums, however!
Games were next in order, and a Christmas word scramble was completed in about three minutes. The next game required one person with a pair of dice to try and throw doubles while another person put on heavy oven mitts and tried to open a large package which was actually a lot of packages down to a small gift card. As soon as the person rolls doubles, the person unwrapping stops, the person throwing dice puts on the mitts and another person comes up to roll the dice. Normally this would go through several shifts, but Kathy couldn’t roll doubles to save her life, and Janet ripped through all that wrapping like Grant through Richmond to claim her gift card, and the game was over almost as soon as it started, but everyone had a good laugh watching the antics.
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