Findlay Area Farmer Don Keown Honored With Tractor Cruise

Findlay Area Farmer Don Keown Honored With Tractor Cruise
Findlay area farmer Don Keown died in April 2018 but his spirit was present during a tractor cruise held in his honor Sunday, August 26. Don’s son, David emphasized his dad loved driving his 1953 International Super M in area tractor rides, and this year the son drove one of dad’s antique collection along with 24 tractors from all over the area that gathered at Findlay School.
Antique tractors, 28 people and a support vehicle made the complete circuit.
The 38 mile journey began on back roads from Findlay to Bethany, down Wilborn Creek Road toward Camp Camfield and to lunch at the Sullivan V.F.W. then back to Findlay.
Don’s brother Larry also drove the 1953 Farmall Super M their father bought new. The ride went from Findlay past the Wright Cemetery where Don is buried and the family had gathered. David pointed out it was a good way to view the country and crops at 12 miles per hour; plus the funds raised went to the Okaw Valley FFA Alumni for future scholarships.