Findlay’s Distinguished Alumni Award

Photo by Ellen Ferrera
Chris Tippit and Christmas shoe boxes for children.
Reflects Love of Children and Community
•April 11, 2018•
By Ellen Ferrera
for the News Progress
The Findlay High School Alumni Association bestowed its Distinguished Alumni Award to Chris Eadie Tippit for her work with children and in community service.
“I never wanted or expected recognition for my work. I have simply done what God called me to do,” Tippit said,
She was born and raised in Findlay and has always had a love of children and people. After graduating from Eastern Illinois University, she taught for 37 years in Beecher City/Shumway, Pana, Tower Hill and Findlay. She and her husband, Fred, have a blended family of nine children and are further blessed with 24 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
The story doesn’t end there, however. Chris started bringing home struggling children to tutor them individually. The Tippit family became foster parents to 42 children over a 20 year period.
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