First Color Run Fundraiser Planned for Titus Manor
•September 14, 2016•
By Ariana Cherry
for the News Progress
Titus Manor located at 513 N. Worth St. has been a part of Sullivan for a little over 150 years. In its quiet part of town, Titus Manor was built by Joseph B. Titus who came to Sullivan in 1862 with his family.
The Titus Manor is hosting its first ever Color Run Saturday, September 24 in Wyman Park. (Rain date is October 1). Sign-in begins at 8 a.m., and the walk/run starts at 9 a.m. Registration deadline is Sept. 23.
This year Titus Manor decided to try something different- a Color Run. “Because of the popularity of Color Runs, we decided to try one in hopes we could raise enough funds that we could just have one event this year, along with our fall bazaar, instead of having several smaller fund-raisers throughout the year,” said Lisa Smothers, office manager. There have been several businesses who have come together to support the Color Run. “The response from the community has been amazing, and we could’ve never pulled it off without them,” stated Smothers.
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