Gold Slip Students

Photo furnished Gold Slip Students November gold slip winners at Sullivan Elementary School for those students who go above and beyond expections are pictured (from left to right): Tenley Stollard saw a student spill his drink on the floor. Without being asked, she immediately started cleaning it up, then picked up all the other trash around the trash can. Ellie Lehman, Julia Moody, and Kaylee Smith helped clean up the cafeteria after the second and third grade lunch. Madelyn Whitmore always sets a positive example for other students on the bus. The younger students enjoy sitting with her. She listens to them read and is patient. She is polite to the bus driver as she gets on and off the bus and always has something kind to say to other students. Infiniti Phillips noticed that the class supply of Redskin paper was running low and took it upon herself to go home and inform her mom about the situation. They sent paper in the following day for her class to use. Cadence Schmohe noticed staff members wiping down the tables in the cafeteria and jumped in to help even though she was not one of the table washers that week. Mary Crist jumped in to help a classmate who was struggling with her work. Handwriting and composing were both difficult for the student so Mary helped the student determine what to write and then wrote it for him so he could neatly copy it for a final draft. Mary always helps classmates in need, and often searches for ways to help. Olivia Hullum noticed staff members wiping down the tables in the cafeteria and jumped in to help even though she was not one of the table washers that week. Mya Dyer’s class has been learning several new ways to use iPads in class. Mya always listens very carefully. This allows her to help classmates when they struggle. Mya willingly helps anyone in need. She has been a kind and quiet leader in the classroom. Kendall Penberthy, Isabel Donovan, and Elizabeth Gonzalez clean and organize their classroom everyday after lunch without being asked.