Growing Up in Sullivan: Textbook Characters
April 8, 2015
by Jerry Ginther
NP Columnist
We had a special, fictional character in one of our science textbooks in the Sullivan grade schools. I’m not sure now in which grade that particular textbook was used, but the character’s name was Cowboy Hal. Hal taught us the graduation in degrees on the Fahrenheit thermometer and the temperature at which water would boil at sea level. He introduced us to the power of the steam created when water was boiled and how it was used to power steam engines on ships and train locomotives. Other lessons included the polarization of magnets; how like poles resisted while opposite poles attracted. Cowboy Hal knew the names of all the constellations and where to look for them in the night sky; what a guy! I can still find the Big and Little Dippers, and the North Star.
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