Habitat House Completed by Care A Vanners

Photo by Mike Brothers
Hope Street Habitat for Humanity home in Sullivan is number 26 and was turned over to owner Nikki Bassett on October 16. Participating in the ceremony were: Pastor Dan Fultz, Moultrie County Habitat Board members, Habitat for Humanity Care-A-Vanners; Bassett and children Jordan, Jade and Maddux; family and friends.
Six Week Experiment
•October 21, 2015•
By Mike Brothers
When the Moultrie County Habitat for Humanity handed the keys to new owner Nikki Bassett on Friday, October 16 the house on Hope Lane in Sullivan was jammed with people.
This was the 26th house for Habitat and a first for Habitat for Humanity Care-A- Vanners. Care-A-Vanner project coordinator Bob Gillespie and crews rotating on two week schedules built the house from ground to completion in six weeks.
Gary Smith, local Habitat board president, recalled year-long local builds in the beginning of the program. Smith thanked a long list of contributors including 40 Care -A-Vanner volunteers who spent the past six weeks working around subcontractors on a tight schedule.
The local churches and other volunteers fed the group during the six week project through an effort coordinated by Pastor Paul McGhghy. Faith Lutheran Church was campground host at Faith Resort where the Habitat volunteers parked their recreational vehicles during the build.
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