Hundreds of New Laws on the Books in 2014
Laws from wasting deer meat to hand-held cellphone use

Photo by Keith Stewart
Arthur-Lovington High School senior Brittany Rader dials a phone number prior to buckling up and driving. With the new ban on hand-held usage of cellphones beginning this year, drivers will either have to resort to headset devices or voice-controlled applications if they want to continue to use their electronic device.
by Keith Stewart
Its formal name is House Bill 1247 (HB1247), but to many drivers, it’s their next ticket.
Back in May of 2013, both houses approved the total ban on the hand-held usage of “electronic communication devices”–which to you and me means, largely, cellphones. Though the law also excludes hand-held personal digital assistants and portable/mobile computers, most of the attention is on cellphone usage, which now, must be hands free. The only way around the new law is to either not use your cellphone while driving or to do so with it out of your hands and with the help of bluetooth or other wireless headsets or voice controlled apps, such as Apple’s Siri.
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