Illinois Warrior Assistance Program Launches Drive To Help 530 Veterans by Memorial Day
•April 27, 2016•
The Illinois Warrior Assistance Program has launched a campaign to help veterans and their families across the state of Illinois, who need help with the emotional, medical or legal challenges resulting from their service.
With the “530 by 5/30” campaign, IWAP’s goal is to assist 530 veterans between now and Memorial Day, which this year falls on May 30. Qualifying Illinois veterans and their family members and caregivers may call 1-866-554-IWAP (4927) 24 hours a day for confidential assistance from a healthcare professional.
“We offer IWAP because there are veterans right now who are still fighting battles long after their military service but don’t know where to turn,” said Erica Jeffries, Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs. “As a veteran, I know many of the challenges that military service members face as they transition from the military to their next chapter in life. Our goal is to reach at least 530 of them before Memorial Day.”
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