International Student Enrollment Reaches Another High At EIU

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Individuals from more than 40 countries compose what Eastern Illinois University officials say will be another record-breaking international student enrollment for the institution.
Bill Elliott, interim director, International Students and Scholars, said the department will see a significant increase from the 291 international students enrolled a year ago. While exact numbers won’t be official until the university releases its Fall 2016 10th day enrollment figures in early September, projections indicate an enrollment of well over 400 international students, representing both undergraduate and graduate students.
“Certainly, we’ve put forth an aggressive international engagement effort,” Elliott said. “But I believe the true key to our success has been the campus community working so well together.”
In addition to the OISS staff who “are to be congratulated for all the hard work and effort they’ve expended on behalf of the university,” faculty and staff throughout campus have worked collaboratively to establish a strategic plan specifically designed to grow the international student body.
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