Letter to the Editor 5-22-2019

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Dear Editor,
There is so much mistaken in “Jesus Made Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve.” It appears this statement was intentionally crafted to be political, divisive and discriminatory.
That’s a great deal of ignorance and damage to pack into only nine words. Heaven help any child who reads such a hateful message.
If we rely on Genesis, Adam and Eve were created by God, not Jesus. If we’re also going by the Bible, God made Adam, Eve and Steve. Aren’t all of God’s creatures worthy of compassion, understanding and love?
Jesus even mentions homosexuality in Matthew 19:11-12, referring to those “who have been so from birth.” He goes further saying, “Let anyone accept this who can.”
Apparently, some modern day churches struggle with accepting people for who they are. We see this in the recent decision by the United Methodist Church.
Jesus was clear that the judgments that we use against others will be the standard applied to ourselves.
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