Letters to the editor 6-5-2019
Dear Editor:
“Adam and Eve” or “Adam and Steve”? What is so mistaken about that? The comment on this subject by a reader on May 22, responding to the sign reading, “Jesus made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” I believe the writer, not the sign, is mistaken in his conclusions.
In the first place, who first has made the same-sex-marriage issue “political, divisive and discriminatory”? Throughout history marriage between a man and a woman was considered, according to the laws of nature and nature’s God, to be acceptable. It became “political, divisive and discriminatory” by those who ignored Bible teaching, deciding to make it such an issue, discriminating against those who maintain the Biblical stance of same-sex marriage. Now, Christian bakers, photographers, etc. must surrender their principles and, contrary to their conscience, perform services honoring what they consider an abomination to God.
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