Lightning Strikes Bell Tower

Photo by R.R. Best
Lightning Strikes Bell Tower
Lightning struck the First Baptist Church bell tower April 28 blowing bricks as far as the post office out the back and into the neighbors lawn across the street in front.
Sullivan Fire Department was called to the Harrison Street church at 8:57 p.m. last Wednesday.
Fire Chief Mike Piper reported the lightning strike had caused some structural damage to the bell tower as well as electrical damage when the strike continued to the roof flashing, the gutter system and on to the ground.
No fire damage was discovered and Sullivan firefighters returned to the station at 9:59 p.m.
Pastor Mark Bjornbak explained the lightning strike destroyed the church sound system and computers with damage assessments on going.
“We appreciate our alert neighbors who called the fire department and we are thankful no one was injured,” Rev. Bjronbak said.
He explained the building damage was limited to the bell tower and the remaining building is safe.
The First Baptist Church is observing social distancing and regular services have been suspended since the stay at home order due to the COVID-19 pandemic.