Local Residents Organize and Deliver Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Photo by Crystal Reed
A group of Moultrie County residents gathered to prepare and deliver 13 Thanksgiving baskets to families on November 23. Pictured are Michelle and Rob Young, Lisa and Phil Ozier, Melissa Hughes and Jeff Webb.
•December 1, 2021•
by Crystal Reed
NP Writer
A group of local residents gathered to organize and deliver Thanksgiving baskets for those in need on Tuesday, November 23. This year Rob and Michelle Young, Phil and Lisa Ozier, Melissa Hughes and Jeff Webb gathered in a garage to fill the baskets with all the fixings for a meal. According to Rob, all the food items were purchased from IGA, pies and cinnamon rolls from Moultrie County 4-H and the baskets from Dollar General.
The group raised over $3,000 to fund the baskets this year. They post that they are doing this on Facebook and people with a need request a basket or a family. Items in the baskets included turkey, ham, potatoes, canned yams, canned corn, french fried onions, cool whip, marshmallows and more.
The Young’s and Ozier’s both own businesses in the county and see this as an opportunity to give back to the community.