Long Season Ends With Constructive Loss

Photo by Keith Stewart
Defense came alive as Knights gather for the stop during Friday’s game in Clinton.
ALAH gives Cumberland its best
•October 28, 2015•
by Keith Stewart
For the NP
This isn’t just a sportswriter trying to make fans happy.
Friday night’s 50-20 loss to Cumberland was as indicative as the rest of the Arthur-Lovington/Atwood-Hammond football season: get better, be resilient, and never give up.
The Knights’ squad, which has had its fair share of injuries strike its small 25 man roster, has had to play a different puzzle each week when it came to assignments. And week nine was no different.
“It’s been that way all year long,” said head coach Dale Schuring. “I don’t think it’s been the same lineup twice all year. It’s been, ‘throw them out there and hopefully someone can tell them what to do.’ They’ve been very adaptable and willing to go wherever we need them so we can have 11 on the field and have some semblance of order. Tonight was no different. Great credit to the kids and their willingness to do that and trying the best they can in spots they don’t know.”
Quarterback Teddy Poe was unable to throw the ball Friday and back-up sophomore Will Cohan was out with an injured quad. So starting at the quarterback position for the first time this year was sophomore Marcus Vanausdoll, who used his sheer athleticism at times to get the Knights down field and lead them for their final game of the year.
“He was in there in an emergency situation tonight, and he did well,” said Schuring. “He was very willing to try and do whatever he could. He’s played several positions in this offense, so he had a decent idea of what was going on some plays, and others he just used his athletic ability.”
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