Masonic Lodge Open House Honors 300th Anniversary

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Public Welcome to Lodge Open House
George A. Sentel Masonic Lodge #764 members stand in the new entryway, part of an interior and exterior update for the Sullivan lodge. Left to right: (back row) Cory King, Terry Muzzy, Vic Arendell, and Stanley Stables. Front left to right: Tracy Bandy, Sean Voegel, Mike Rollins, and Mike Black.
•June 14, 2017•
George A, Sentel Masonic Lodge #764 is celebrating the 300th anniversary of free masonary with an open house from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, June 24.
Mike Rollins, Worshipful Master of the Lodge, explained that local Lodge members had pitched in to update the Jefferson Street Lodge. With the help from the city of Sullivan facade program Masons have replaced windows and the entryway of the building as well as updating the interior.
He explained Masonic Lodges all over the world will celebrate the 300th anniversary on the same date. The Sullivan lodge will be open to the public where they may view the history of Masons in Sullivan.
The Sullivan Lodge was chartered in 1883 on October 3 and moved from 6 1/2 E. Harrison to the old National Guard Armory in April 1956.
By February 1956 the Sullivan Lodge became George A. Sentel Lodge #764.
Sentel, a judge in Sullivan, was past Master of the Lodge serving in 1907 and was a member of the Sullivan Chapter #128 Royal Arch Mason and charter member of the Gil W. Barnard Commandry #74 Knights Templar.
In 1918 Judge Sentel and Winifred Titus, of the Titus Opera House family, married at 45 and lived in the Titus mansion. Landscaping was featured on the grounds with horticulturists from U of I studying the 105 different trees and 118 shrubs tended by Mrs. Sentel while they occupied the home.
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