Meet Gauge, Windsor Elementary School’s Comfort Dog

Photo courtesy of Denise Sentel
Gauge, the comfort dog’s first day of school photo from early this fall.
•November 16, 2022•
by Crystal Reed
NP Writer
Windsor Elementary School has a furry, friendly student that has been attending the school for the past three years. That student is Gauge, a six-year-old goldendoodle breed dog who is an official comfort dog at the school. This is his third year serving the school in this capacity.
When Denise Sentel decided to adopt Gauge, her son had just turned 16 and wanted an active, energetic dog. They already had a rescue pit at home. She wanted a younger dog to ride around with her, and from the beginning, he has traveled everywhere with her.
It started with her bringing Gauge in every once in a while to visit students. Sentel knew about therapy dogs and how they were a benefit to those who have experienced tragedies and traumas. After the tragedy in the Sullivan School District a few years ago, her interest was renewed in training Gauge to help others.
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