Mentors Put A Little Love In The Hearts Of SES Students

Photo by Ellen Ferrera
A Little Time is all it Takes
SES Mentoring Program Poppy Graham (l) and mentor, Janet Pasley.
Extending A Helping Hand
By Ellen Ferrera
for the News Progress
My assignment today is to interview Poppy Graham, social worker with Sullivan Elementary School. As she ushers me into her tiny office I notice that her door is covered with children’s drawings-almost all of them expressing love for Mrs. Graham.
Don’t we all remember the first teacher with whom we fell in love?
She offers me a seat and affectionately begins to describe her mentoring program which has 24 children in grades K through 5.
“These are children who need extra love, support both emotionally and academically, and someone to help facilitate their personal growth,” Graham said. “They are identified by either me or their teacher, and we then ask permission from the parents to pair them with a mentor.”
The program was actually begun by two other teachers, and Graham has been with it for six years.
The mentors are usually retired teachers or other people in the community who meet once a week with their wards during PE or music classes so they don’t miss regular classroom work.
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